Daisy is a multi-disciplinary artist and designer living in Helsinki, Finland. Coming from a strong design background, Daisy nowadays focuses on his authentic artistic expression through a variety of media, oil-painting and poetry being the main focus. Read his artist statement here:
“I have a love-hate relationship with words, maybe, that is why I paint and write poetry and not artist statements, yet to translate what I see myself doing: I notice I am influenced by the rich stylistic tradition of impressionism and expressionism, my work often seeks the imperfect, fleeting moments of beauty and flaw that dance on the edges of consciousness. Through my therapeutic journeys and an everlasting curiosity I have learned various ways of engaging with my ‘interior’, my unconscious, ranging from vivid hypnotic states to deep meditation. I use this practice to do justice to my soul and to experience myself in life to the fullest. It helps me balance this at times rather strange experience.
My art is an intuitive and genuine reflection of the way I live and experience life. The most honest way I can put it is that I compulsively paint a diary. This to me is the purest form of art-making. As a Designer I can empathetically create functional beauty and emotional impact for others. Yet therein lies the difference between Design and Art: Design is made for others, and Art is made for myself. Through this seemingly selfish act of creating, I always find that the resonance it creates in others is much deeper than anything created ‘for others’. Therefore, artists must be ‘selfish’, most brutally honest with themselves and the world, yet loving and kind. I find solace and peace in expressing what moves me and the world around me while my choice of medium is secondary.
I believe that shaping and shedding our many identities and ‘selves’ towards inner freedom is an integral part of the intricate dance of life. Presenting that freeing journey to an unfree world and maybe touching another human with it is the most authentic and precious gift I can give back to life. I see how the tender madness of love, the appreciation of the darkness and the light, death and life dichotomy and the journey through endless inner worlds and characters greatly influence my art.
I paint sunsets in magical realms, brooding deep and stormy seas, inner landscapes, my friends, my inner characteristics as embodied beings, collective themes I sense and anything that comes forth from my unconscious if the conditions are right. Painting is a portal for me towards some sort of understanding of our place in the grand scheme of existence. This understanding is a purely intuitive one, hence my words alone can never do justice to my experience. My paintings and poems complement each other that way. My art comes from a mode of ‘just being’ – I can not say it better.
I refuse to occupy the space where meaning is created in others. I profoundly relate to my pieces and do tell my stories openly, but ultimately I like to invite the viewer into a moment of presence, of introspection. If we become unable to be present we will lose our most precious ability – to love deeply. “

Daisy – 2024